...have you seen this one? [The "bee barn" video.]
The "bee barn" looks fine for hobbyists just starting out and working only a small number of hives. But it seems like it would be too expensive and complicated to work with on a larger scale. The design makes sense, but some the common issues he describes in the video may be a bit overblown. The design seems to follow the principles of the Warre hive. Most of it consists of components that have already been invented at some time other another (e.g., spacers, or what some call dummy boards, double walled brood box, "Vivaldi" box, or what some call a quilt box or moisture quilt, etc.), but it looks like it would work great in his local climate.
However, I still can't imagine many commercial beekeepers buying into it -- because it doesn't look cheap, and for anyone who has an established beeyard with standard 10-frame Langtroths, including backyard beekeepers with a relatively small number of hives, I'm pretty sure it would be big headache to switch over to his "bee barn." Too many new components to build and deal with.
I also think he has more time and money on his hands than I'll ever have. We're living in different worlds.
It's a well thought out design, but a bit overkill, maybe?