With the high cost of beekeeping supplies going ever higher, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to build decent homemade frames.
I build all my own boxes, bottom boards, inner and outer covers, even bee escapes. I have to this point not even tried to make my own frames but rather have just bought the pieces and simply assembled them. That was until this latest increase. I understand if a person only has a few hives and only needs a handful of frames at a time, buying the pieces makes sense, but I am in the position of needing to buy 600 deep frames and probably at least that many mediums. The price up here per hundred has just crossed past the dollar mark @ $1.03 each per 100. Add to that the cost of foundation and it is starting to get ridiculous, especially for someone with more than a dozen hives.
I would have no hesitation at making some jigs up to create a bunch and spend a few winters days plugging away and making a couple thousand. I seem to have found a ready market for much of my wooden ware, but if I have to buy the frames and mark them up, there is no advantage to the buyer (or me).
Anyone have any ideas or seen anything that looks interesting?
I stumbled across this but don't have much idea about "shillings and pence" stuff (maybe Barbarien or Denise can help here
How about it folks, have your say, maybe together we can invent something and have it patented!