dave and iddee,
i will chirp in, most photos i ever uploaded went in to specific categories, some not, but always put those in a general discussion area. maybe just keep it simple for now until we have more ideas as to what to create or others chime in. like for example, maybe a general forum topic as photo gallery, share your photos, no sub categories or not a lot of subcategories?.....to upload anything not covered by other topics. my humble opinion,a photo category, with subcategories did not get a lot of views elsewhere, and went unnoticed and unappreciated, and maybe because folks were placing their photos elsewhere, or really didn't take or upload a lot of pix outside of bees or bee related......maybe start with that (general photos)? i think if i had a photo that really didn't fit into any category, i would just start a thread in the anything and everything for now. i think if you break a photo gallery down into a lot of photo sub categories, you will lose folks; that board category and all the subcategories will get lost and not have many views unless many of us are posting to it. just my thoughts and hope i made sense.