This is what happens when Jen joins a bee club, she turns into a Honeybee Assisted Living Facility
I have a beek friend (I always start out this way) who has a top bar hive and the bees absconded a few weeks ago. Figuring the hive was empty of bees, she took off the lid to move the top bar hive to store behind the barn. Low and behold there was the queen and a handful of bees. This was last week and there were a few eggs, but nothing else.
She asked me if I wanted the queen. I said let me ask my forum a couple of questions first.
#1 - I remember once Iddee saying that if the queen isn't active and being cared for that she will loose her pheromones. Could this be a case for this queen offered to me?
#2 - Can a queen recall her pheromones if put in a right environment again? Like, a nuc with brood, food, laying room, more nurse bees?
#3 - I would like to make up a small nuc with 1 frame of brood and bees, plenty of food, and a frame to lay in as a trial effort. If this queen has been wandering around alone for awhile.. would it be possible to put her into a queen cage and introduce her to this trial nuc? Would she have to have pheromones to be excepted?