Our thoughts and prayer's for everyone in Tx.
We've had hurricanes here with 20 days without power (with generators) but it's a blessing to get power back .
But it's still water, ice ,food and gas. That's the problem if you're not prepared. I just feel for Houston .
It is a blessing to get electricity back. And now the water. Apparently our water plant was able to keep a positive flow going, thanks to his generator. So no "boil water notice." Victoria is still under a boil water noitce, but should get back soon.
More gas stations are opening everyday. Today, we are blessed to have sunshine, and just a mild wind. I've been out helping a neighbor cut up a tree. Got my antenna back up, and discovered the reason it wasn't working was my own stupidity.
The cable runs from the antenna to our TiVo, not the television. Once I turned on the TiVo and set the input from antenna to reciever, all was fine!
Now it is catch-up time for my work and around the house.
The bees likely have nothing to forage, so I've put a couple frame feeders filled with sugar syrup in a nuc and set it off to the side. I hope I can feed all three hives (yes, and the neighbor's hives) without setting off a robbing frenzy.
A neighbor said his hive was full of yellow jackets. Robbing screens go on tonight or before sunrise.