This person who's been helping me with some beekeeping, really wants to set up some bees at his holiday country get away shack. I'm not interested in turning it into an apiary site, because it's a bit out of the way, and it has rather low bio-diversity; I see that, the location is largely populated by only a couple variety of trees, that honey flow would boom when these trees would flower, but they'd go many months where there'd be little honeyflow. Moving hives is a pain for me and not something I want to do routinely.
Now a beehive has happened to swarm into this big square wooden bin, that has rubbish piled underneath. The bees had drawed many lines of comb, full of honey and brood. I could pull out the comb and move it to a super, as it's not particulary stuck down, but I believe quite a number of bees will drown in honey.
I ended up moving the whole box, and putting a lid on it. I'd like to keep a tesst hive up there, to see how they perform over the year, and to keep my friend happy. I don't plan on checking it regulary, nor extracting honey from it.
Can I then just leave them in the box that they're in? Or would it be best to put them into a proper super with pull out frames?