Smokey, you can use BT. Here is a link to a thread regarding BT. There have been several discussions on BT, so if you want more info put BT in the search box.
It is also highly acceptable to use moth crystals.
Paradichlorobenzene is the key ingredient to look for. Enoz manufactures moth crystals that can be purchased any where. I have seen it at Walmart (in the section with laundry baskets and clothes pins) and hardware stores. Don't use moth balls! Not the same thing and they are toxic.
To use moth crystals, stack your woodenware, with frames inside. Stack them snuggly so there are no openings or gaps. Every 3rd or 4th super or brood box lay a layer or two of newspaper. On the newspaper, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of moth crystals. At this point you can add more woodenware with frames (creating a tower) and repeat with the newspaper and moth crystals or put a telescoping lid on top. If you don't have a telescoping lid use something else that will seal it like a piece of plywood that is weighted down.
The object is to kill any existing moth and SHB eggs that are in there and prevent moths from finding the frames of wax while in storage.
Like you, Smokey, freezer space is a luxury I don't have and I have to use BT and moth crystals. I store woodenware in my garage.