I ended up building a solar wax melter out of an electric frying pan.
https://imgur.com/a/f3BaqIt's been rather warm lately, temperature has been around 35-40 c / 95-104 f. It's been sitting out there for about 10 days and yet little has came out. Are they usually this slow? I have a lot of wax to process, and I've only got a few more months of heat left so at this rate I won't be able to process enough of it.
I haven't replaced the paper towel filter yet. It's gotten really uh, gunky and wax stained I guess. Could it be blocked? How often are you meant to replace these?
I figure I'll build something larger out of flexiglass and scrap metal, the frying pan was a temporary solution and experiment. It just seems that the really gunky, dark stuff in there won't break down. Is dark, brood filled capped harder to melt into wax? Does it just take a long time to melt down beeswax? Any suggestions as to how to proceed?