I have struggled for several years with genetics, trying to bring in bees that are mite resistant. Minnesota hygenic, etc, etc... and to be honest, some of them seemed to do well, and some of them didn't, as far as the mites were concerned. Some did great with mites, and horrible at producing honey, OR overwintering.. some overwintered well but were horrible at controlling mites.
I admit that i have more or less given up at this point. We do not have africanized bees, so I routinely end up with mutt queens if I don't stay on top of requeening and keep really good records.. With the number of hives I am working with, that is getting to be difficult... My primary concern is overwintering. Then production, and then temperment... Bees that survive unbelievably crazy winters, like the one we just had are GOOD bees!!! I will be paying attention to which hives produce the best honey crops, and these are the hives I will grow from next spring.
Ordering queens has proven to be quite a crapshoot in my experience. That amazing POL Golden queen you put in a hive is laying well, but the bees built queen cells to replace her almost as soon as she was laying.... Using my own queens from survivor hives has proven to be a LOT more beneficial in longevity, survival, and production... so KNOWING the background of my bees is no longer important to me, so long as they LIVE, and they give me extra honey!!