It's been a stretch of months (8 1/2 to be exact) since I lost my hives late last summer, but I'm finally back in the bees again. I installed two packages this past Monday and checked yesterday for queen release. Both queen cages were empty (yay!), bees are bringing in the pollen, and sucking down the 1:1, having gone through nearly 2 gallons per hive.
My only omission so far, to the best of my knowledge, is that I had planned on treating the package with OAV prior to install. Running short of time - weather coming in - and lack a suitable box, I went ahead and installed without treating. I believe I have a window of time prior to any new brood being capped that I can still treat to capture the mites during their phoretic phase and avoid multiple treatments initially.
Assuming queen was released on day one (Tuesday) and begin laying - newly hatched larvae would be expected yesterday. Of course, that is best case. Worst case is eggs maybe or not.
The question I have is - is now to soon? Not wanting to disturb the colony, I didn't do an in depth inspection looking for eggs/larvae when I removed the cages. If there are no eggs to help anchor the colony is there a big risk of an OAV treatment causing absconding?
Today would be an ideal time to do the OAV as there is rain forecast for the nearly all next week beginning tomorrow. If I have to wait then I run the risk of missing the uncapped brood period and mites getting under the caps thereby forcing a multiple treatment scenario.
I've missed this stuff.
Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend, and to those Veterans out there - Thank You for your service.