If the swarm has no queen, queen cells won't be of any help. If you have a virgin queen (a slight possibility), she might not be ready to start laying, but the bees wouldn't be building queen cells.
Are you 100% certain that these are queen cells. Bees often build queen cups, which are, for the most part, meaningless. Sometimes, cells built in "borderline locations" can be irregularly sized and possibly be mistaken for queen cells. Queen cells themselves, are usually not built alongside the woodwork of the frames but rather are encircled by other cells.
Your original description seemed to be a strong indication that you have a queen. I would still venture to think in that direction and suggest waiting another two days before checking again. Perhaps this particular swarm needs a little more time than usual to get itself organized. If it really is a virgin queen, you'll need at least a week for her to start laying.
What are the thoughts of other forum members? Please chime in.