So thinking our orginal drive way is over the crest of a hill, you really are takeing your life in your hands going out and in. People drive way to fast down the gravel road to stop.
I decided I could put in a new driveway and hook it up to the presant one on top of the hill.
The county came along after I was finished except for the final layer of gravel and said I could not have a drive way there unless.
I paid them a fee to get a permint to do it the way
THEY wanted it.
Even then I could not connect it to our pressent driveway unless we combined the property for taxes.
We would then not have vacant property taxes to pay but a resident tax bill about 3 times the rate.
We couldn't combine the propertys even if we wished because we are buying on a land contract as the orginal owner didn't want a lump sum and ruin his 2018 taxes.
So I took the drive way out and served Notice to the county with a letter from a lawyer that they have left them open to a law suit since they refuse us to have a safer drive way.
Last time the county made a stupid move like telling people to stay home during snow/ice storms because they were going to save money and only clear the roads when the storm was over. they cost the tax payers 10 million when a car slid thru a stop sign and got broad sided killing a family of 4.