And I'll start with mine.
3Reds and I caught a swarm in our flower-pot style bait hive in our back yard. We waited a few days, then moved the bees into a nuc. The bees attacked me at the first movement of the bait hive because all of their comb fell off. We scraped it together and rubber-banded what we could into frames, dumped the bees into the nuc, found the queen and dumped her into the nuc, too, then put the nuc on a stand I attached to the tree and left them alone.
The bees moved in, no problem. I called and ordered a new queen, talked to a friend about buying the nuc, and we set our calendars for when and what to do with the hive.
Mistake? I didn't bother with a queen excluder/includer. The next day the bees told me to mind my own business and abandoned the nuc. Now, I've had to cancel the order for the queen and tell my friend he's on his own for his next hive.
And, earlier this week I may have set myself up for a mistake to be revealed on Sunday. You'll hear back from me if I messed that hive up, too.