Sorry I missed this.
I am just helping those who need it for cabbage loopers. :-) manufacturers rep set me up with a local supplier.
Mix and use within 24 hrs is the recommended advice. It is stable for years in powdered form , dose for all crawlies is 4-8 teaspoons per gallon. I can do a whole hive w two supers with a quart. I mix 1.5 tsp in my quart sprayer. Can be sprayed on active frames too , will not harm our friends.
From my own use 2 seasons without issue, have a few frames that are 3 seasons and also still good.
Yes on using excess on any part of your garden that might get loopers , it is a registered product to be used by Organic farmers so no harm, works against tent caterpillars according to the literature.
If you prefer a commercial supplier, Hidhut is the only online source now.
Not a big deal for me to help keeps, my job keeps me travelling very often these days so maybe not quite as reactive as off season, but I have stk because so many have asked. Two more go out tomorrow.
This is just a service I am happy to provide. Any qty you think you may need I am happy to send you.