a good article on spring management of overwintered colonies. i don't quite practice the equalization as the author does, but do a fair amount and continuing through the season. i also disagree with the author's initial statement about supplemental spring feeding, if bees need feed i feed them.
"If you do it right, you'll have strong colonies for your honey flow. Here's how.
Spring management is entirely dependent on successful overwintering. There are three requirements necessary for a workable Spring management program – a good queen, an adequate population of young bees, and more than enough food. These are the same basic requirements necessary for a colony to overwinter successfully, and all three have to be present in the colony prior to the onset of Winter. The food situation in particular needs to be addressed the previous Fall. Come Spring, good weather is far too valuable to be wasted on supplemental feeding. Spring is the time for broodnest management, not remedial catch-up chores."the article covers:
late winter check up
spring feeding
frame management
foundation-comb production
requeening overwintered colonies
equalizing overwintered colonies
strengthening weaker colonies
making up splits
Spring management Of Overwintered Colonies
By: Roy Hendricksonalso, in the frame management paragraph, the author refers to 'waxing frames', link to that how to is here:
Waxing Frames By: Roy Hendricksonand here in the forum:
Waxing Plastic Foundation