Honey is usually charged by the pound. A pint of honey weighs more than a pound.
Bee Culture magazine has a monthly column that gives regional honey prices throughout the country. You, North Carolina, are located in Region 2. For the month of June the average retail shelf price prediction paid for 1# of honey is $7.91, in glass or plastic bottles. A 2# glass or plastic bottle of honey sold is 13.20. A pint jar is somewhere in between 1-2 # bottles. So, you can use those figures as a guideline.
I have found that honey prices vary greatly. There are beekeepers, in my area, that say they have a hard time getting $4 a pound. They live in a small town/rural area. Others that work the farmer's markets in larger communities get $7 a pound. So, the take away from all that is, I would ask another local beekeeper what they charge.