Back in 1968 I was in a reltive safe area so got to see real fireworks for a change.
This year I wake up haveing to attend to an appointment on Monday July 1st. We ate breakfast out and I felt some twinges of pain in my right chest area. Just shrugged it off and contiuned the day working around the place as usual.
Tuesday Morning I woke as usual way earlier than I need to but it is normal I set and drink a couple cups of tea then at 6:00 AM I go out and let my pups out so they can be inside or out side and with the heat.
They really enjoy being out side early.
Again I am feeling some pains in my chest left side this time and it is really hurting to breath. Kare wakes up and I tell her I need a Ride to the Hospitals ER it really hurts to breath.
At the hospital words like chest pains trumps any one else in getting care NOW. I am sat in a wheel chair and wheeled to a room given an asprin and glycerin pill, Blood Pressure is taken and a portable exray machine is brought in to shoot a few exrays.
The nurse is left with Kare and I to put in an IV and to draw large amounts of blood I felt.
Doctor came in again and said they are going to admit me to the hospital as they have not seen a lot and want me to rest and do a stress test in the morning.
I am shipped off to the second floor and a over night bed. I had hardly been there long enought to breath in the rooms air when they said some one was coming for me to do a CCA scan.
Soon a fellow shows uo with a wheel chair and carts me off. The IV put in at the ER isn't big enough for their die to flow thru so a second IV is added to my left arm.
Once they have finished with me ai am wheeled back to the room, Now it just the normal stuff that happens to a person in the hospital happens.
A doctor stops by and talks at me, I do Not care for him at all he can't look me in the eye at all. He kept shifting his eyes every time I attemped to make eye contact with him.
The Nurse tells me not to mind him as he is like that with every one. Nurse is great I had not had any thiung to eat except at home, she asked and rounded me up a Turkey sandwich, a couple cookies, carton of milk and can of soda. Soon she stops by and says her shift is ending do I want or need any thing befroe she leaves.
The New night shift nurse is also nice getting me any thing i ask for. at 2:00 AM she stops to check on me and finds me away yet and asked if I ever sleep.
I finally do drop off to sleep at around 3:00 PM but am awake again by 4:30 AM
The first shift nurse comes on at 7:30 AM and tells me breakfast will be there soon and gives me a cup of coffee that isn't DECAF. She had heard me upset at onhly getting DECALF from the hospital.
She also tells me I am not going to be doing any stress test and a different doctor will stop by and talk to me.
The CCA done the evening before reveled a bad case of Emphozima. Possiable what is causeing my pains.
Doctor comes and talks to me, I like him and will see him soon. I am released shortly after noon. Must follow up with my own doctor and the Emphozima Doctor.
Thursday I feel fine at home still have the chest pains but they are not caused by a bad heart I have been told.
I am still sleeping all the time and feel awful.
I am not sure what is wrong with me but i have been off my feed.