Okay let me explain some stuff that I know about essential oils and Varroa.
First off, I'm a believer in essential oils for all kinds of reasons. However, there is no essential oil out there that can even touch the destruction of Varroa mites! I Promise You That! These mites have been titled Varroa Destructor for a very good reason!
We have a group of people in our area that are teaching how to use essential oil drops on the landings of the bottom boards
of the hives. Hence, the bees walk thru it, carry it into the hive on their very tiny feet. Plus using oregano leaves layed all around the floor of the bottom board. Stuff like that.
I find it ironic that this group is growing in population...when every single one of their hives were found dead this past spring. Imagine That!
In agreeance with Baker, Honey Bee Healthy, helps to keep the bees gut healthy, fends off Nosema, also a natural antibiotic for the bees when cooped up in a hive over the winter. Those essential oils are Spearmint and Lemongrass oil. I too mix the Honey Bee Healthy into my winter patties. Smells wonderful. But Honey Bee Healthy Does Not Kill Mites! it simply helps the bees stay healthy.