Author Topic: Pollen Plugged  (Read 2667 times)

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Pollen Plugged
« on: April 03, 2020, 03:16:07 pm »
Well so much for a hard winter here in upper northern California, winters here are certainly not what they used to be. Our spring started earlier than I ever remember, complete with a double abundance of pollen. We had an usually warm two weeks in early March and I was able to get into the hives and get them set up for spring. Because nectar was coming in early I added the first supers with queen excluders.

The bees are slowly storing the nectar in the honey frames, but also, every frame is about 1/4 full of pollen as well. the big flow has not started yet. Can't have pollen in the honey frames.

1. Two things I'm thinking about. I could pull the supers for awhile until the big flow?

2. Or, I could leave them on and let the bees fill them with pollen, therefore they won't be plugging up the bottom brood boxes?
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Offline Bakersdozen

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Re: Pollen Plugged
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2020, 09:23:53 pm »
I would pull them.  Your brood boxes are probably light on honey stores coming out of winter.  Let them fill those back up.
Also, you may be setting yourself up for a small hive beetle infestation.  Too much room and the bees can't protect that comb.  The SHB larvae love that pollen to feed on.
Have you reversed your brood boxes yet?  Check to see where the brood is.  If it's all at the top, reverse the boxes.  If it's split between the two boxes, decide if you want to juggle frames and put the brood all in one box.  I don't like to move brood around.   

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Re: Pollen Plugged
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2020, 07:31:04 pm »
JAYBIRD!!!!   How are you?      Save those frames that have pollen and honey and put them next to the brood frames when the time comes! They will feed it and clean those frames out!  Good to see your still worrying about your bees!
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