what iddee says sounds best. I always end up mentoring newbees. i'm just trying to help him out. I think I talked him into getting at least 1 langstroth hive & putting the top bar hive on craigslist. what I tried to get thru to him about top bars is 1-crush & strain honey harvesting is a royal pain plus you loose all that comb & 2-using standard equipment makes it easier to trade resources between other hives, other beekeepers, & replace equipment as needed. I really do not understand the attraction of T.B.H's. horizontal maybe.
these nucs are bulging at the seams. it's amazing how much difference being 100 miles south makes. by taking my splits down to my friends farm i'm usually a month ahead of locals making nucs.
drove down to my friends farm at 4:30 this morning & these followed me home.