Hi Baker, no mites, and when a hive absconds.. can just some of the bees abscond? I thought an abscond was the entire colony?
But really, nothing surprises me with bees
And getting back, how old to young bees need to be to fly? I just cannot imagine how those babies flew over to the tree with the adult bees.
I did a inspection on this hive about a week ago, and no swarm cells. scratching head.
I'm wondering if this hive had a massive hatch all at once. So the adult bees flew out and knocked out a bunch of babies during their flee?
UPDATE: I did a deeper search all the way down to the first box, and what do you know, queen cells! So I didn't catch the swarm, and they must have just been ready to flee and didn't want to stay in the box. But Still!! There is no accounting for baby bees in the swarm. Yet another bee conundrum