Hmmmmmm?!? Very Curious to be sure... let me think on that
Thinking update: The first thing that comes to mind:
A. Option. I would get into the hive and dispatch queen. Close up hive and let her pheromones dissipate for a couple days before moving bees and capped brood to other hives. If there is enough room to move maybe 5 frames of brood to each of my other two hives... It could be a tight fit.

B. Option. I could make up nucs with brood and bees. Out of two lower boxes of brood, there would be enough capped brood to maybe make up 4 nucs give or take. The bees in those nucs would then make new queens that will mate with nice drones from my 2 very peaceful hives and the drones 1 1/2 miles away. Wait until they are established and sell the nucs.
C. Option. The hive is three med stack, the top box being a super. Take off the super, split the two bottom brood boxes, equalize the with brood frames. Let both boxes make their own queen, when established sell them for double the nuc price, of which in my realm might get around $400 each.
What do you think?