'A neighbors hive, a feral hive not being treated is overrun by mites, eventually the bees abscond and find a new place to live, and they take a LOT of those mites with them, straight to YOUR hives...'
So, it's my understanding that absconds are not going to go into, and join another existing hive.
Then again, if the abscond is without a queen, maybe they would be allowed into another existing hive ... hmm
According this article I read this evening on "varroa-mite-reproduction.edu" It explained how the few mites that scoot into the drone cell right before the drone cell is capped... if all or most of those mites are mother mites and they birth daughters, who are going to get mated and become mother mites themselves... Holy Shmoly now you have an overload of mother mites all laying more daughter mites and on and on. And all at once there is an explosion mites.
So Lazy, I was under the same impression as you for Years. But I think I'm seeing a deeper science of mites now...