To deter the Northern Flickers from pecking my new poly hive to pieces, I had to set up a bird feeder with SUET to distract them away from the hive. Some of the holes in my poly hive made right into the hive. Northern Flickers will eat the bees from what I understand, though I've also read that some woodpeckers like the taste of honey too. There isn't a great deal of information available about this issue. However, I think it's only a problem near late winter (also know as "spring" in Newfoundland) when temperatures are below freezing and the birds are desperate for food.
As well setting up a suet feeder in an area away from the hive, painting the hive an unnatural colour, such and purple and red (right now my poly hive is painted green) supposedly turns off the woodpeckers. They don't like funky colours.
Apparently the don't like the smell of lavender either, but I'm not going to start spraying essential oils around my hives.
Another common method to keep woodpeckers off poly hives is make cages around the hives with chicken wire, that kind of thing, which I have no interest in doing. The main reason I got a poly hive was so I didn't have to wrap my hives with anything in winter.
I plan to paint the hive psychedelic colours as soon as I can, but that's about it. There's now way I'm building a cage around it.