Our local bee club received a grant from the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program this spring. Our club established 4 colonies at a nearby family owned Country Farm & Market just outside of Lawrence, KS. The four colonies are proof that colonies can have different personalities. One package had 2 queens and one queen flew away. Another drifted to another colony leaving the queen alone in her cage. They have been replaced with a swarm.
Last night my friends, who were instrumental in applying for the grant and setting up the hives, held an open apiary class for anyone interested. There were about 12 eager learners present. I joined the class and helped point out eggs and larvae to those that had never seen and answer questions. This group was thirsty for knowledge and very appreciative. A few had attended our beginning beekeeping classes but some were people with bees and they were "winging it." One man that asked me questions had not heard of varroa mites or testing for them. I was so glad he was there and he had driven from north of Kansas City, Missouri to attend.
Next on the wish list for this sight is a storage box or something to store equipment in.