there are scattered posts here on how our bees are doing this winter. would like to sort of 'centralize' and have input from everyone on how your bees are wintering.
for me, i just have one hive left, the last one standing of 10 since developing my allergy and literally has gone 'untouched' until late summer 2014. i don't want to lose this queen or this hive. would like to have the genetics for nucs in the spring. she's doing well so far. i was a little concerned going into winter months, the hive weight and frames weren't exactly what i would like to see even after feeding them back capped/uncapped honey frames. i placed a shim on before the weather became really cold in october, and did place a winter feed patty on when i wrapped around thanksgiving. unusual for me. i will put a shim in, but most of the time i don't find it necessary to feed until spring. have had a chance to lift the outer cover and check, added another patty just recently.
our winter........subzero temps in october into november, was just crazy. late november now into december unseasonably warmer, with very little snow. we usually get some really good snow falls, but none to speak of. days where it hit 50 degrees in early december! and the bees were flying.
weather lately, nothing but rain and sleet, mixed with some flurries. no snow on the ground here to speak of now, just patches and temps in the 30's.
every year the river freezes over in places, i can drive the 4 wheeler across........not this year!
i hope to build back up. and i hope this hive makes it. weight is a little lighter than i would expect for december, but i think she's still doing alright. last time i shoved a patty in, appeared to me to be a pretty good sized cluster just looking from the top and the sound in the hive.