I had fun this spring watching my wife battle with a barn swallow building a mud nest on top of our front porch light and crapping everywhere.
She would tear it down and clean the mess up and the next day it would start all over again
this went on for all most 2 weeks putting her in a bad mood and using words i hadn't heard her say in a long time
She finally told me that i had to kill the little A- Hole
. I like the little fellows and have several at the barn that i can walk by and almost reach out and pet? they don't seem to be afraid of me? I got a rubber snake and put it on top of the porch light and that put a stop to the bird problem, BUT, i forgot to tell her what i did at the time, and a neighbor lady come to visit and i heard her scream then my wife screamed?? i was in the bee yard and run up ( walked fast
) to see what happened, well after i told them what i had done,Guess what
I'm the A- Hole now.