"It seems that the queen has moved out of the top deep and they have reserved it for honey storage. On may third (six days ago) I saw everything that you want to see in a hive in that deep. I looked in the bottom deep and saw lots of capped brood and various stages of larvae but I didn't see eggs......I fed this hive about 2 quarts of syrup on the third because they didn't have much, but that's not the case now. I think there is a flow on. I didn't put on a super, because they still have some room....... I guess I could bring up a brood frame or two from the bottom to encourage her to come back up to the top..........."
tbone, if you didn't reverse she will always (typically) move down. if you did reverse, she will move up and lay up in the 2nd deep til she runs out of room and go back down to the 1st deep. when she runs out of room in the first deep, she goes back to the 2nd deep IF she has room to lay there. if you fed syrup and there is a flow on, don't let the 2nd deep (or the 1st deep) get plugged up with syrup or honey, you don't need to move brood frames up to the 2nd deep, you just need open space in the center frames for her to lay in, and you don't want your bees swarming.......with that said, and based on your posts, i would put a super on.