Baker- "I have found that beekeepers are some of the nicest people out there.
I couldn't agree more Baker, something about bees makes us compassionate and helpful people
Beeboy- "We would work together, & he would start telling about the queen, & how many eggs should would lay in one day, & how she only mated once for life, & how the dude died when he did it. Next he would tell me about how many bees it takes to make one pound of honey, & how far that will fly for nectar. He kept talking, & I kept listening.
It was the details like these that impressed so much when learning the basics about bees. Just like this forum "You guys keep talking, & I keep listening
Scott- "Should have concentrated on cars and bees... I'd have saved a LOT of money over the years...
Well yeeeah, but I wouldn't trade those days of cars and boys tho... cars were more roomy back then
Jack- "I'm six foot one inch tall and will have to say, no matter how much Riverbee knows about bees she will always have to look up to me.
Jack! We'll just stand River on a bench where you are face to face, and there will be No Contest! As a matter of fact there is No Contest anyway! Us girls have to stick together ~ Never Underestimate 'The Female Bee Brigade' !!!