I have spoken with Phil and Adam Ebert in the past, and probably will again in the future. Decent people to deal with. I have not purchased any of their queens...
When I purchase queens, I look pretty hard for queens with resistance to Varroa. I personally see no point in proliferating queens that need to be treated for mites to survive.. I do still treat, but I also work pretty hard at selecting the most resistant stock I have to move forward with. So long as any of us buy and use standard queens from non resistant stock we are not helping ourselves, our neighbors or the feral population.
Even the packages I buy with run of the mill Italian queens will get requeened with daughters from VSH or survivor queens. Until the demand for mite resistant queens rises FROM the beekeepers the bee breeders will keep selling non resistant bees.
My last queens were ordered from Ridgetop Apiaries. They are doing a bang up job so far, and at four weeks in I am seeing larvae being uncapped... I cant say how they will do in the future or through the winter yet. Mike is a good guy to deal with and will work with your schedule.
http://ridgetopapiaries.com/ Not all VSH, Hygienic, or survivor bees will be walk away installs, meaning you can install the queen and never treat the hives again.. But, with each set of genetics we add, Each drone that mates with a feral Vrigin, or the neighbors new queen we are making a difference. If the neighbor is working toward resistance as well, it will go even faster....
I'm backing away from the podium now............ Yes, I am armed.. dont even think about throwing something!