Baker - "A neutral spirit is anything that is distilled at 95% or 190 US proof. If you drank enough of it, this stuff could make you go blind!
Yikes! but won't be a problem here. And thank you for looking that up
Blue - "I used extra virgin olive oil when I made mine
I have tinctures made with both alcohol and olive oil. In the medicinal world they both have their duties. Say for example I want to make a prop tinc for underarm odor, I would use alcohol because it evaporates instantly leaving the prop behind and I don't want to spend the day with oily underarms. If I'm making a tincture for a client that needs to get the medicine into his/her body quickly, I would use alcohol based tinc/medicine under the tongue. If I want to add propolis to my daily diet for pers health reasons and want to add it to my oatmeal in the morning I would use an olive oil base. I also make medicinal oils that steep essential oils and cannabis for massage purposes to help control chronic pain.
Healing is a fascinating world ~