Author Topic: Fumagilin-B  (Read 14189 times)

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Re: Fumagilin-B
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2014, 10:19:35 pm »
i do a perry does :

"I mix 1 teaspoon of fumadil (fumagilan) with a bit of warm water (1/4 cup), and once the syrup has cooled down some, I mix in the fumadil into it. If you try and mix the fumadil directly into the sugar syrup it will clump up and not get evenly distributed."

i tend to give them the two gallons though if i can rather than one gallon: 

At what rate do the honey bees eat 2:1 syrup on average~ Fumagilan dosage instructions
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Re: Fumagilin-B
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2014, 10:29:38 pm »
Well hmmm...   I have always done 1 gallon of fumagillin for a standard production hive.. Going ot have to up the ante a little it seems, but... Some of the good hives over at the sunflower outyard havent ROOM for two gallons...   

    Anyhow...    Mixing the fumagillin...   I usually mix in 5 gallon quantities.. pour in 25 pounds of sugar.. sprinkle 5 mildly rounded teaspoons of fumagillin over the sugar..   Pour in HOT water.. doesnt have to be boiling but close...  stir with my wine making stir whoobie that goes in my battery powered drill..     Bring the level up to 5 gallons and add a goodly double dollop of Apple CIder Vinegar WITH MOTHER and stir until clear..  Snap lid on and set in the garage till morning.. Then go FEED the bees!

    I have NO IDEA what that WITH MOTHER thing is.. apparently something leftover from when the vinegar was fermenting, my mentor told me it was good for the bees use it, so I always have..   Apparently the vinegar is to raise the PH and keep the syrup from fermenting..  but I have to tell ya, the bees REALLY key in on the syrup that has the vinegar in it..
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