SCOTT- "is it actually OA crystals? Maybe the vaporizor is not getting hot enough? not sure, lost on this one....
I do look for the vapors creeping out of the openings all the way up to the upper entrance. That is happening. And when I pull the applicator out no acid is left, but often two or three dead bees in the cup. And I usually have to scrap out the cup a bit of chard baked on black stuff before the next application.
GLOCK- "I treated last year from OCT. to DEC. like 5 times and this year low mite counts.
That's good new to hear
SCOTT- "OAV will continue to work for over a week after application. Finish treatments then give it three or four weeks and check the drop..
We're on the same page
cause like I said, I don't see any wigglers on the sticky boards. My thought is that the girls are busy cleaning each other and the house
LEE- "Just wondering, how you insure there is no air leakage around that SBB during the OAV treatments? Wigglers? What are you looking for that wiggles in association with OAV?
Two of my hives have a drawer that I keep the sticky board in. When they are closed so is the air way from the screen bottom board. The other one I wrap a big beach towel around the base so it's all closed up during application.
Wigglers are live mites that have dropped onto the sticky board and their legs and antenna are wiggling. I usually still find wigglers after the first treatment, I check the sticky board about 3 days after the treatment. That tells me that there are stilll live mites in the hive. After treatment 2 and 3 I have yet to see any wigglers, just dead mites and the husks of mites.
ROBO- "My thoughts are that if the OAV was done properly 3 treatments is sufficient.
I think it was done right, two level scoops in the cup, insert in entrance, block off large openings on the hive. Engage voltage. Wah Lah, dead mites, happy bees