It was one year ago to this very day that this forum went "live"!I personally want to thank Iddee, the rest of the Admin., the Mods, and everyone of our
great members who make this place what it is. Bigger is not always better, but even knowing that, it was hard to imagine our growth in the one year we have been up and running.
I have "met" some of the greatest group of folks here, many of whom I hope to one day meet in person (bucket list/ road trip). We all share a passion and an understanding that while we may not always agree on stuff, we will never let it interfere with friendship (just ask us mods and admin, we have had some doozies amongst each other, but I am proud to call them all
Help can be found in abundance, if you want it, it's not hard to find. Fun can be had here as well, just try it (even Jack can sometimes come up with something). We have some of the most kind-hearted souls in this bunch (yes, I include Jack) and you will be hard pressed to find better.
Thanks everyone!