"My question now is: I would estimate maybe a third or less of the stores are left. I didn't see any fresh nectar but plenty of pollen. I don't see that they are going to have enough food until the first flow. I do have 1 full frame of honey in the freezer, and I have 6 more frames that are not completely full of honey, maybe 70-80% full in the shed. How many frames of honey should I give this hive now?"
"The hive is one deep on the bottom, filling up quickly with capped brood. Then there is a medium super on that has maybe a 1/3 stores left, and the queen is up there already laying. So I put one more medium on with pulled frames."
okay jen, some questions, when is your first flow? also, you said the medium super has maybe 1/3 stores left, and the queen is already laying up in the deep and in the empty medium you just placed on top. how many frames of honey are the 1/3rd? and where are they located? how many frames is the queen laying in? just make sure the queen has space to lay up in the center of the box. also, you can place your frames of honey on the outside of the medium box that you just placed on.