Sleet, snow, freezing weather today, so it's shop work today, and Oh, Yes, calves could come at any moment.
Been cleaning and painting all parts of the hives on the outside of them, deeps, med, and shallow supers, lids, and bottom boards,.Made 10 nucs, 10 med. supers, 5 deeps, and 10 top feeders. Now to repair deeps or cut them down to med. supers, repair or burn med. and shallow supers, reframe 11 queen excluders, repair some top feeders that leaked,paint and repair several lids and bottom board's. Question, do you paint your bottom boards? i; painted some of my solid ones, they were so dirty and nasty looking and i couldn't get them clean. Today i'm going to take a plumbers torch to the bur comb on my queen excluders Hey, Squirt and Perry, i found that the plumbers torch works real good on plastic foundation.
PS. I'm hoping i have enough bees left to use all this equipment? This has been a bad winter.