Hi Everyone,
We treated both hives with OA today. For a few different reasons I felt I should also do an inspection of the hive at my house. Upon inspection I found a cluster of queen cups (two of which appeared loaded to me) and what I believe to be a capped queen cell. Josh took some pics but he's kinda tied up with his girls right now so I will try to post them later.
My actions: Call Scott. Went over my plan with him. Got the nod to remove existing queen, 2 frames of brood, 2 frames of honey and pollen, an extra shake of bees and place in a nuc along with 1 undrawn frame of foundation.
In the excitement Josh decided to pull his queen along with brood, stores, an extra shake of bees, and place in a nuc with 1 undrawn frame of foundation. Just like dear ol' dad. His thought at the time was with eggs in the hive and drones running around the girls could build a new queen. Talking it over on the way home it was decided to get a queen locally so as to increase our odds of obtaining honey this summer by not loosing the time it will take to build the new queen.
My actions: Call Scott. Got the time and place to pick up the new queen tomorrow.
Right or wrong it's what we've done. Here's hoping for the best and making plans for the worst! Ted