I have a hive that used to be really strong, but started showing declining numbers coming out of winter. I fed them sugar syrup and gave them pollen supplement starting in March, and they had honey left over from the winter. The queen was definitely in place but showing spotty brood. On April 1, I found a capped supercedure cell right in the middle of the brood that was there. So I figured she'd keep laying some eggs (this is her second year) until the new queen showed up and the Battle Royale happened. The numbers continued declining and about 3 weeks ago, I put some extra bees in the hive using the newspaper method. It's April 29, and I keep checking every week to see if the new queen has shown up. The numbers just keep declining. I'm down to a small amount of bees about the size of an orange on 2 frames of very spotty brood in the bottom super. There's honey, pollen, nectar, and plenty of space to lay eggs. The queen is still walking around the frames, and there's some spotty brood, a small amount of larva in scattered cells at different stages. I can't tell if there are eggs or not. One other thing - they've created 2 queen cells not capped in the top super in the middle of the nectar/pollen stores with no other brood around. Weird.
My question - do I wait any longer for the supercedure queen to return, or do I purchase a new queen? I really want to get honey this year and this hive does have a lot of nectar/pollen stored in the top super (of the 3 supers).