So... in the course of keeping bees for perhaps thousands of years, we have done nothing to them that would give them the domesticated moniker?
That is sort of how I feel about cats.. they LIVE in our house but do as they please...
If every beekeeper was to "do in" their bees, how long would the remaining bees survive in the wild? I think the cats would have a better chance if tossed out of the house...
We have been working with bees to limit swarming, to reduce the propolis they produce, to make them gentler, etc, etc.. I think bees are VERY MUCH domesticated.. I also think anyone who does not care for their bees as if they are domesticated should not be a beekeeper.. Putting bees in a box does not a beekeeper make. They must be cared for, like any domestic animal.. but with some time and effort, perhaps we can return the ability to live without care to them...
My reasoning comes in after dealing with so many "Natural" beekeepers.. the ones that believe bees are not domesticated, so they hive them, and walk away, expecting to get honey every year..
"If my bees died then all is as nature intended."
"We were taught sugar is bad for bees so we do not feed them!"
"We do not treat for mites, because it is bad for our bees. they cannot build resistance to mites if we treat."
Living near the Maharishi international university I get a plethora of naturalists "trying" to keep bees.... I have to explain a dozen times a summer, that the bees we keep ARE domesticated and MUST be cared for, at least for now.
Sorry.. back to the regularly scheduled thread...