Think that was Shooter, but irrelevant since I want to know too.. I need a couple RIVER rods with roller tips... River fishing is fine with wally world poles, till you hook into a real fish... I manage to break about one wally world pole a year, and have stopped buying cheap reels.. three years worth of cheep reels buys me one reel that lasts six years or more. Those I can get, its the rods I struggle with.. My Pa lives in the keys for winter, but usually the big open water poles are too long.. need an 8 ft pole, roller tip, with a heavy baitcaster reel...
Theres nothing like sitting beside the fire talking with friends, and hearing the clicker start ticking from the darkness beyond the fire... Or,
Theres nothing like drifting off to sleep in the boat, feet up, listening to the river talk to you, and waking up to that clicker....
click, click,click..... silence... click, click..... silence... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ YEEEHAW!!!!
Then the tip of your pole breaks off and the 40 LB Big game line shreds over the eyelet when you try to hold despite the broken tip..... :'(
Sorry.. off topic.....

I blame it on cabin fever!! Back to the regularly scheduled program!!!!