My Katy is sleeping more these days, she's about 12 years old, and her breath can get soo bad from lack of moving or chasing the ball. So about 2 years ago I started brushing her teeth. She's real good at letting me do that for her. A few months ago I noticed that her breath was getting bad again, and worse than normal, like clears us out of the room bad. I believe there was infection in her mouth. Asked the vet and they said they were not comfortable with putting older dogs out to clean their teeth, and suggested the tarter cleaning chew sticks. Did that, but the sticks made her gums bleed so bad and pink/red saliva was on her bed a lot. Tried 3 different dog toothpastes, not much luck, and a couple of the toothpastes she really disliked.
SO! I looked up if honey was safe for dogs. Absolutley it is!
So about a month ago I started lightly and quickly brushing her teeth with a very soft childrens toothbrush and honey, once a day, just get the honey in her mouth. Enough honey to cover the top of the bristles. I am here to tell you that her gums are soo much better, over halfway healed.
I'm thinking that for those dogs who dislike having their teeth brushed, you could put 1/2 tsp, give or take, into their food bowl. Just get the honey into their mouth.