Well I have found what I will be using to cut out cells from now on. One of the allures of grafting has been not having to cut out cells in the wrong places. I had just mangled a bunch of cells with a fillet knife and was watching a web chat. One of the topics was cutting out cells and one gentleman said he used piano wire. During school the next day I hit up one of my musical students for some old strings he may have. He brought me a dozen or so.
I used the small one that still had the wire coils around the string. Perfection, I could slip the wire through the foundation and saw them out perfectly. With the knife, the wax would stick to the blade and cause movement of the whole thing, destroying the ones next to the wood. The string resulted with very little movement of the surroundings. Also those big juicy ones that connect to the frame were able to be cut off without damage.
Just thought I would pass that along, pretty interesting trick. I have added it to my wax pencil and lighter