This year will be splits early if I can get them built up early enough. New vsh queens coming for the splits.
Normally, I do pretty much exactly what Glock does. I rotate combs, placing two to four Empty frames in each brood box, normally I pull the outside frames. They are well drawn but empty in the spring giving the bees room to build and providing me with GOOD drawn comb to use with swarms or new hives. I will also add one or two supers depending on the strength of the hive to make them feel less restricted.
If I have a BOOMING colony I am worried about, I will likely make a nuc from them to thin their numbers slightly, and let them make a queen from eggs I choose. If they appear to be preparing to swarm I will make a nuc with the original queen and requeen the main hive with a purchased local queen. IF they have produced queen cells, I may split that hive down to however many cells they have built and put them all in Nuc's to emerge.
I guess swarm management is mostly about having a plan, and being prepared to toss said plan aside and make a new plan on the spot.