"This is definitely a classic Riverbee, thanks for sharing it. I had a good mental picture of what was going on as I read your story. You could have offered over the bees for evidence and placed them in his car did you end up getting a ticket?"i wasn't driving, i was a passenger......but yes the driver received a tag for 4 to 5 violations.......whatever made the wisconsin state trooper annoyed enough to tag my friend for he did. violations i remember were for careless driving, something about transportation of agricultural livestock and another i think had something to do with unsafe
"Sounds to me like she got enough tickets to reupholster the car."wm, if you ask me i would have bought a new car. no reupholstering in this buick would have helped. (too many bad smells).
btw everyone, my friend the driver that i volunteered to help out is a public defender and a criminal defense attorney................
i have made plenty of booboos during my years of beekeeping..........and still do, and recently.......
just a few from the past..........
* do not put light sugar syrup in a sprayer to spray mean ornery cranky bees with if the sprayer is clogged and you inadvertently (to check the sprayer nozzle) spray yourself in the face with your veil will not be able to see a thing.....
* bears and bees;
if you live in an area where you have bears......get a fence up. if you don't, the bears will find your hives. fence first, bees second.
girl scouts and boy scouts be prepared...........
when the bear does find your hive/s do not forget your veil. on the second trip do not forget your smoker.
either way, first trip or second trip trying to salvage bees after a bear has visited forgetting your veil or forgetting the smoker is really not very smart......or in haste forgetting/neglecting to bring both............or wearing full gear after the first attack.........
to the bees you look like a bear irregardless of what you are wearing, and irregardless of the lack of veil, smoker, or full suit.
* do not go commando under a full bee suit and veil in hot humid weather if unforeseen circumstances happen (stings/abnormal reaction) and includes a visit to your local hospital emergency room and a subsequent overnight stay.........
and if you visit the emergency room, don't park right by the emergency door in a hurry on the sidewalk, you will get a ticket and be towed.......
* always check the underneath side of the inner cover for the queen, especially in the spring........and do not set it aside or in the grass or drop it if she is on there or not so good........ whack it on the hive with the underneath side of the lid facing up........she will most likely fly off and you will be crawling around looking for her.......
( i did not do this but my husband did, i saw him crawling around on the ground on his knees frantically looking for a queen).
*if your mentor is in a very bad snarly mood to help you check your bees and the bees are pissy or weren't in the first place and start getting pissy because of your mentor's actions/attitude....stand WAY back even if he/she is yelling at you...........