Thanks again for the warm welcome. Alaska is an awesome place if you ever get a chance to visit, you wont be disappointed.
I am not sure how much honey I will need, I will feed till they are heavy as I can get them if need be. they are making cranberry honey now, blue berries will be flowering in a couple days then its cloudberry,iris and all kinds of other stuff till the major fireweed flow starts in July. stays green here all summer till fall with flowers blooming the whole time.
I just read that willow has nectar ? they started bringing in nectar the same time as pollen ,and not sure of the source but we are in a huge patch of willow and alder bushes with scattered groves of cottonwood, in fact that's all we have for trees here,its mostly open tundra full of flowers

The weather here is not as cold as the interior of the state since we are near the Bering sea we get warm icy storms a lot in the winter where it can get up to 40 f but the wind and rain wont allow for a cleansing flight.( they could ever make it back from) we do get down to -30 but usually - 20 ish is the coldest we get but we do get extended periods of below 0
I am hoping my new Russian queen works out, I feel bad for the hybrid Russian I got last year that I bumbled up and would like to try one again.
Les I have heard of the Kilcher show but don't have TV and never seen it, they do live in a different region with much different weather. Dont do facebook either, I do miss out on a lot of bee keeping by avoiding that place even our state association is on there.
Well thanks again I will be reading up as much as I can and hope I can keep them alive, they are doing great so far I just added a second deep to the strong hive, they are packing the brood chamber with nectar pretty fast.